Release Notes for DNP Slave <> Modbus Slaves: --------------------------------------------- 06Sep07 - Added 4x binary outputs that can be controled by function code 5 Direct Mode. 21Aug07 - Added 0x and 1x binary inputs. 09Mar04 - Changed KW, KVA, and KVAR from k to 0.1M by dividing by 100. 08Mar04 - Added support for turning off the scaling on the ION meters. 01Mar04 - Added debug mode for showing Modbus traffic on terminal server. 27Feb04 - Added PML Ion 7500/7600 support. 10Jul02 - Fixed analog timer on MSTD-008 work for all 8 inputs. 09Jul02 - Changed rollover on KYZ analog. Removed binary from generic KYZ poll. 04Jun02 - Now supports generic Modbus Slaves. 18Apr02 - First Release.